Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do it Yourself Xbox 360 Hard Drive Troubleshooting

Xbox 360 hard drive troubleshooting should always start with checking all your connections and making sure your power supply is working properly. If everything seems normal and your Xbox is displaying three red lights then you have deeper issues which will only be resolved through repairs.

The three red lights mean you are having hardware failure. You have several choices when it comes to repairing your xbox 360 console.

Ship it back to Microsoft and pay the repair bill which may be rather expensive.
Ship it to a online or local repair shop and have them fix it for you.
Do it yourself, which will save you time and money.

The three red light problem is why more and more people are do it yourself Xbox 360 hard drive troubleshooting. Mostly avid gamers run into this problem and when you play for long periods of time your Xbox heats up and the cooling fan is unable to control the temperatures and your system overheats.

Inside your console are heat sinks which connect the CPU and the GPU. The extreme heat causes the glue which connects them to the circuit board to come loose. Which leaves your Xbox 360 virtually useless. These type of glues commonly come loose on these types of electronics. I even had a 46 inch television become useless after the heat sinks separated.

The best solution I have found is to repair it yourself with some of the new repair manuals which have shown up online recently. They hand you step by step written and video instructions and it should take you less than an hour to have your system back up and running.

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