Sunday, October 10, 2010

Formatting the hard drive in XP?

Do You Really Want To format the disk?

Be forewarned, formatting a hard disk is very different from the formatting of a Word document. The format remove * all * your hard drive (operating system, programs and data files) and allow even restart the PC. The only thing you can do that with a freshly formatted drive to install an operating system from CD-ROM.

I know ... which is exactly what you saidI wanted to do. But that * may * be a bit 'drastic. After re-installing Windows XP, all Microsoft patches and fixes it, then reinstall all the software packages previously. It may take several hours to download just the Windows update files downloaded.

I think we consider this step because the PC has been infected by a group of spyware and viruses, and is now reacts slow and shaky. But before you go all samurai on your hard disk,I advise all the steps in my Make Windows Faster! Article. It 's my special recipe to clean the gunk from your computer pipes, so Windows will start faster, run faster and more reliable info-highway information.

If you really want to reformat the hard drive for ...

You can not ... at least not until Windows. You must restart from the installation CD of Windows XP, because you can not format the hard disk where Windowsrunning. But first you will probably want to keep your hard drive, or at least part of it. For assistance, this is for backing up files and various options to protect your personal files.

Okay, back to reformatting ... if the installation CD to boot, a message appears asking if you want to repair your existing installtion. It is not necessary, press ESC to bypass the repair option.

Now select the partition where Windows is installed, then press D to. Clear Press L to confirm the deletion. Okay, it's time to create and format a new partition. Select the unpartitioned space and press C to create a new partition. Allot the maximum amount of memory space and press Enter.

Now select the newly created partition and then format it. Select NTFS, go for the "quick format" and then sit and wait. If the new partition is formatted, you're ready to (re) install Windows. Do not forget to install, your anti-virus and anti-spywareSoftware and make sure that Windows Update as soon as possible visit to make sure you have the latest security updates.

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